Thursday, November 18, 2010

Good friends = Good support

Good friends = good support. I am very lucky to have a great bunch of people around me. My best friend has known me for 25 yrs, she almost knows me better than myself. She has been a daily supporter and I wouldn't be able to get through alot of the stuff I deal with if it wasn't for her. Every kilo I drop she does a victory dance for me. Thank you Ms T! When I was deciding who to tell about having the surgery, I was very cautious. You don't need people using it against you and I didn't want to be taunted. I think that I chose well and the people I have told have all been really good about it. Telling some workmates about it was kind of a necessity but has worked out to have been a great choice too. It would be hard to explain the feeling of sickness from eating if they didn't know what was going on. What I look forward to though is seeing the reaction from those that haven't seen me in a while.

There is a stigma related to being fat that I want to address. Portion size vs body size. When I go out and ask for a smaller portion of a meal, I find that they look at me oddly. Things like 'would you like to upsize this meal to a large', I end up laughing because there is no possible way I could eat that much. Do they automatically think that all large people eat large portions? Ok so I used to otherwise I wouldn't have gotten to the size I did, but what about the people that dieting? I recently went to a restaurant and asked for a main to come out in an entree size. They told me that that request was not available. Uh why not? Restaurants have the tendency to fill the massive plates that they put the food on and theres always alot of waste afterwards. I want smaller portions available!

I am coming aware of an issue I'm having lately. A clothes phobia. Odd huh! I hate the idea of shopping for clothes. Most of my clothes don't fit, so clearly shopping will become a priority soon yet the whole concept is scary. I can't even explain what it is that worries me. This will be something I will update later on.

This may sound a little weird but I feel a certain empowerment from losing weight. I feel stronger as a person and definately happier. The happiness reflects to those around me as well. My state of mind is great, its like I have dug myself out of a hole and I am gaining momentum everyday. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Update on the weight loss: Now its 15kgs lost and 125cms! Bye Bye!

So until next time.....

Empower your mind through smaller portions

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