Monday, November 15, 2010

Food or foe?

What a crazy few days I've had with food!We had people over for a birthday party on Saturday night, I tried a piece of donut (and I seriously mean a mouthful size piece) and it nearly killed me! Who would have thought such a little piece of food could hurt so much. I did actually try and make myself vomit (sorry for the visual) but the bugger was still there. It just took time. Clearly attempting the BBQ was not going to be a good idea, so I opted for the chicken wings and salad. They warned me that chicken would not be on my future menu, but luckily so far, so good. Donuts out, chicken still in.
Sunday came and I could have eaten a horse, well over several meals, without being full. I ate my breakfast and was hungry within a couple hours. Same with lunch and then with tea, totally odd. Even after work I was hungry again. Then this morning I had a coffee and it went down as if it was solid. I felt it move all the way down. It's a really strange feeling when your eating food and it reaches your band then finally passes through it and drops into your stomach. I'm guessing that my band has settled a little, the usual after an adjustment. My next adjustment is scheduled for a week away and although I'm already at 5.3, I think that I could go at least another .3ml. I will have to find out if its natural to be able to eat more at the end of the day compared with the morning, as I'm finding this a common occurrence lately.

Its been a bad day for exercise today. Way too lethargic to do much. I suppose you could say it was a lazy day. I would assume that everyone is allowed one of them once in a while but it made me feel guilty. I read in the lapband book that any moment sitting down is a wasted exercise moment. Ok I get where they are going with that but that's not really a realistic goal is it? You can't eat breakfast while walking around the block and I'm not jogging the kids to daycare. I'm not even going to talk about going to the bathroom or bathing, but I think you get my picture. I understand the objective but surely your allowed some downtime? Ssshh don't tell my doctor though!

Just a quick note to those that are following this blog, hi! You are more than welcome to pass the link onto anyone that may be interested in following it. I can't assure you that it won't be boring but if you have liked it so far then I think that it can only get better. I would also like you to feel free to comment, I would love the feedback.

So until next time....

Keep donuts to a big O

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